Rahu is a shadow planet, associated with qualities, business, location, the internet, sorrow, misfortune, and diseases.

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Rahu is a shadow planet, associated with qualities, business, location, the internet, sorrow, misfortune, and diseases.

                      Rahu is a shadow planet. In the present age, Rahu signifies the internet, online activities, and electronic things. Rahu is considered the significator of a man’s sorrow. It is a symbol of pain, grief, sin, and misfortune. Rahu is known as the demon ‘Viparichita,’ the son of the demoness Simhika and Hiranyakashipu. This planet has influence over a person’s legs. It stays in one sign for about one and a half years.

If Rahu is present in the third, sixth, tenth, or eleventh house of the birth chart, it yields special results during its dasha (period).”

. His reasoning is that Rahu and Ketu are not visible in the sky like other planets; instead, they are considered imaginary points between the orbits of the Earth, the Sun’s apparent path (Surya PraRahu is a shadow planet, associated with qualities such as technology, business, places, the internet, sorrow, misfortune, and diseases.

                     Rahu is considered a shadow planet in astrology. In the present era, Rahu is seen as a significator of the internet, online activities, and electronic devices. It is often associated with the sorrows and hardships faced by individuals. Rahu is considered a symbol of suffering, grief, sin, and misfortune. In Hindu mythology, Rahu is the son of the demoness Simhika and is associated with the feet of a celestial being. Rahu remains in a zodiac sign for about 18 months.

If Rahu is positioned in the third, sixth, tenth, or eleventh house in a birth chart, it is believed to yield specific results during its dasha (period of influence).

Friends and Enemies of Rahu:

                   Rahu is considered friendly with the zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. On the other hand, Cancer and Leo are considered as enemy signs for Rahu. Rahu is said to exhibit a Rajasic (active) nature when interacting with Venus and a hostile nature when interacting with the Sun and Moon. Rahu does not form strong friendships or enmities with Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter.

In the current age, Rahu is believed to have a direct impact on human affairs and is associated with the rapid changes brought about by technology and the internet.


According to Krishnamurti, Rahu and Ketu are considered “stronger” than other planets, meaning they are considered distinct and powerful compared to other celdakshina), and the Moon’s orbit around the Earth (Prithvi-Pradakshina), where there is an intersection.

Method of Predicting Rahu’s Effects:

  • The planet aspecting Rahu during its dasha provides results based on its position.
  • Rahu gives results according to the planets placed in conjunction with it during its transit.
  • In the absence of conjunction or aspect with any planet, Rahu gives results based on the Nakshatra it is placed in, following the Nakshatra lord’s influence.
  • Rahu provides results according to the sign it is in and the house where its dispositor is placed.

Characteristics of Rahu:

  • Rahu is symbolized by the mouth of a serpent, and it is considered a poisonous planet due to this association.
  • Its nature is bitter, and it is linked to qualities such as shallow thinking, desires, theft, deceit, restlessness, and expansive power.
  • During Rahu’s dasha, the individual’s behavior is influenced by the aspect and conjunction of other planets in the birth chart.
  • Diseases related to Rahu include mental distress, eccentric behavior, and conditions resembling insanity.

In summary, Krishnamurti emphasizes the distinct and powerful nature of Rahu and Ketu, which are not physically visible in the sky like other planets. The effects of Rahu are determined by its conjunction, aspect, Nakshatra placement, and the house it occupies in the birth chart. Rahu is associated with negative qualities, and its dasha may bring about mental distress and peculiar behavior.

Qualities of Rahu:

             Rahu is symbolized by the mouth of a serpent, and it is considered a venomous planet, akin to the poisonous nature of a snake’s bite. Therefore, Rahu is regarded as a malefic planet. Its inherent nature is also considered venomous. The association with venom leads to impurity, cruelty, and deceit in its characteristics. Being a lone dweller, similar to a snake living in the wilderness, Rahu exhibits a ferocious disposition. Due to its cruel nature and tendency to engage in malevolent activities, it is considered deserving of punishment. Rahu is often associated with scenarios involving invisible entities, darkness, death, and unfulfilled souls.

Rahu possesses venom, signifying its inherently bitter and harsh nature. Its characteristics include shallow thinking, desire, behavior resembling a demon, theft, deception, restlessness, and the ability to expand with power. These traits are considered inherent qualities of Rahu. Additionally, Rahu’s behavior is influenced by the aspect and conjunction of other planets in the birth chart, as well as the Nakshatra (lunar mansion) in which it is placed.

Health Issues Related to Rahu:

                 Conditions associated with Rahu’s negative influence include mental distress, eccentric behavior, conditions resembling insanity, leprosy, obstacles caused by invisible entities, and mental disorders associated with the curses of deceased souls. If Rahu has an adverse impact in the birth chart, individuals may suffer from health issues related to obesity and bone-related diseases. The negative effects of Rahu can result in individuals experiencing perpetual mental anguish along with shallow thinking.


Business Related to Rahu:

                      Businesses associated with Rahu include activities related to the occult, tantra-mantra practitioners using rituals involving life and death, businesses related to cremation grounds, and entities dealing with dark or mysterious aspects of life. Rahu is considered a significator of imprisonment, solitary places, and businesses related to confinement and jails. Additionally, businesses dealing with black-colored items, carbon, magnets, hair, and substances related to the eradication of insects or pests fall under the influence of Rahu. If Rahu is placed in the tenth house of a birth chart and receives the aspect of Jupiter, it can contribute to success in politics.

Places Governed by Rahu:

                    Rahu is associated with places that are dirty, fearful, related to occult practices, and places like cremation grounds and villages’ boundaries. Due to its connection with imprisonment, Rahu is also linked to jails and quiet, solitary locations.

Animals and Plants Associated with Rahu:

              Given Rahu’s venomous nature, it governs poisonous snakes, scorpions, and other venomous creatures. It also has authority over poisonous plants and trees.


                     Rahu is a shadow planet with immense and unlimited influence, providing an expansive effect unlike Jupiter, which has a limited scope. In the present age, Rahu holds significant influence. Its placement in a specific sign and house in the birth chart creates deep attachments for individuals towards the corresponding aspects of life represented by that sign and house. Rahu’s impact is profound, and individuals often go to great lengths to attain the objects and goals associated with the sign and house where Rahu is positioned. Rahu is a skilled player in politics, employing various strategies such as compromise, coercion, punishment, and deception. When Rahu is located in the third, sixth, tenth, or eleventh house in the birth chart, it can bring tremendous benefits during its dasha (period of influence). In the sign of Aquarius, Rahu is considered auspicious, providing individuals with luck and aspirations for high positions. Conversely, in its enemy sign Scorpio, Rahu enhances the individual’s destiny, making them shine in adversarial fields.


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