In the Rahu Grah Kundli, when does it become a Yogakarak, and when do its negative effects manifest for the native?

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Statue of black deity called Rahu and India god, The black giant eating the moon.

In the Rahu Grah Kundli, when does it become a Yogakarak, and when do its negative effects manifest for the native?

  • Rahu as a Yogakarak:
    • When Rahu is positioned in the central houses (1, 4, 7, 10) of the birth chart and has a conjunction with or is aspected by the lord of the fifth or ninth house, or the lords of these houses cast a glance upon Rahu, then Rahu becomes a Yogakarak planet. It behaves like a Yogakarak planet during its dasha, providing positive results.
  • Vishnu Lakshmi Yoga:
    • If Rahu is in a triangular house (trikona) or in the fifth or ninth house and has a conjunction with or is aspected by the lords of the central houses (1, 4, 7, 10), it forms Vishnu Lakshmi Yoga. This yoga is considered favorable for material prosperity, as the central houses are associated with Vishnu, and the triangular houses are linked to Lakshmi.
  • Ashtalakshmi Yoga:
    • When Rahu is positioned in the third, sixth, or eleventh house without any conjunction or aspect from any  planets, it forms Ashtalakshmi Yoga. During the mahadasha of Rahu in these houses, the native is likely to experience financial gains and success.
  • Positive Effects in Any House:
    • If Rahu is placed in any house (except the eighth and twelfth houses), without any conjunction or aspect from other planets, it tends to give beneficial results related to that house during its dasha and antardasha.
  • Pancham Bhav and Punya Karma:
    • When Rahu is in the fifth house without any conjunction or aspect from other planets, it signifies the fruition of good deeds from past lives during its dasha and antardasha. The fifth house is associated with the accumulation of positive karma.
  • Ninth Bhav and Dharma:
    • Similarly, if Rahu is in the ninth house without any conjunction or aspect from other planets, its dasha and antardasha bring an increase in the native’s fortune, support from father and teachers and guru  and possibly spiritual journeys.
  • Eleventh Bhav and Overall Gains:
    • When Rahu is in the eleventh house without any conjunction or aspect from other planets, its dasha and antardasha bring overall gains and fulfill various desires of the native.
  • Dasha in Tenth Bhav with Upachaya Lords:
    • If Rahu is in the tenth house and has a connection with the lords of the third, sixth, or eleventh house (upachaya houses), it tends to bring success, recognition, and achievements in careers and politics during its dasha and antardasha.

Effect of Rahu in the Birth Chart:

  • Rahu in Kendra and Trikona Houses (1, 4, 7, 10, 5, 9):
    • When Rahu is positioned in the Kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10) and is associated with the lords of the Trishadye houses [3,6,11], it can bring significant challenges during its Mahadasha and Antardasha.
    • For example, if Rahu is in the seventh house (Saptam Bhava) of a Libra Ascendant, and conjunct with sun in the seventh house , the eleventh house (Ekadash Bhava) is ruled by the Sun, the individual may face health and mental issues during Rahu’s period, especially related to business, life partner, or business partnerships.
  • Malefic Influence of Rahu in Trishaday Bhavas (3, 6, 11):

    • The Trishaday Bhavas (3rd, 6th, 11th) are considered challenging, and when Rahu is placed in these houses,with conjunction or aspect of any planets, it can create difficulties for the individual.
    • For instance, if Rahu is in the seventh house for a Libra Ascendant individual, and it is in conjunction with the Sun ruling the eleventh house, challenges related to health, societal reputation, and business partnerships may arise.
  • Worst Bhavas:
    • The Trishaday Bhavas (3rd, 6th, 11th) are generally considered unfavorable, with the eleventh house being the worst among them.
    • For Libra Ascendant, if Rahu is in the seventh house and is conjunct with Jupiter ruling the eleventh house, it may lead to significant challenges in areas such as business, relationships, and partnerships.
  • Rahu in Different Houses:
    • Rahu’s placement in different houses can have varying effects. For instance, Rahu in the fifth house (Pancham Bhava) for Taurus Ascendant individuals, especially in conjunction with Jupiter, can bring challenges related to intellect, causing confusion and problems in business.
  • Rahu in Sixth, Eighth, or Twelfth House:
    • Rahu in the sixth house is generally considered favorable, providing strength and overcoming enemies. In the eighth house, caution is advised against unethical activities during Rahu’s Mahadasha. In the twelfth house, Rahu can lead to expenses but may also facilitate settling abroad.

Remedies for Rahu:

  • Ganga Snan (Bathing in the Ganges) is recommended to mitigate the adverse effects of Rahu.
  • Regular meditation and deep breathing exercises are suggested for those facing challenges during Rahu’s Dasha, especially if Rahu is in the eighth house.
  • Act of charity and service to stray dogs and maintenance of plants are advised to strengthen Rahu’s positive influences.
  • Avoidance of unethical activities and adherence to ethical practices during Rahu’s influence.


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